
Experience skill in action. Our time together on the mat promises to result in greater balance, clarity of mind, stress reduction, and overall body and soul exploration.

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Tailor fit to your specific needs, these 60-minute private sessions are custom and allow us to meet you where you are. Perhaps you have an injury and want to continue your yoga practice safely. Or maybe you want to work on deepening your breath and increasing your stamina. Private yoga sessions are available in your home, outdoors and virtually. 

*pre-payment is greatly appreicated

PRICING: $150 per session.


Practicing yoga with a group gives us a chance to build camaraderie and develop healthy habits with friends, family and teammates. Our 60 minutes sessions are held outdoors and are open to everyone who lives locally and of course our polo community.

*mats, bolsters, straps, blankets and eye pillows are included

PRICING: $20 club members $25 for others.

Sign up for a month and recieve a discount.

For more information and to sign up for a session, please contact me below.